Monday, January 30, 2012

Brightwork Done!!!

Ahh...look at that beautiful shiney teak!!

After 16 days & about 100 man hours (not exaggerating), we are DONE with the varnish project...for now. Unfortunately, "brightwork" is one of those chores that must be done routinely to keep it looking nice. It will never be as hard as this 1st time. Our wood hadn't had any tender loving care for at least 5 years. Believe me, after all the work we've done it'll be getting plenty of TLC from us. Which means maintenance sanding & varnishing every so often. Maintenance brightwork will be more like a 1 day project. Thank God!! Our Malaika looks so pretty now! It was worth the hard work. It's these kind of projects that make us love our boat so much. We've invested so much of ourselves!


After! :)

Jib is even more excited we're done because he's allowed on deck again, he was sooo happy to sit on deck & spy on all the neighbors.

We will be leaving Green Turtle at the end of this week. Our month at the Marina is over today, but we can't leave due to weather. The wind is too strong out of the north for the next few days. Part of the passage to our next stop "Marsh Harbor", can get really nasty with north winds so we'll wait. Looks like Thursday could be moving day.
We'll have to see what Mother Nature has to say about that.
Much love to everyone!! Love & miss you all!!!
I got to talk to my parents today...was SOOOO great to hear your voices Mom & Dad!!! Love you!!XXXOOO

Thanks to Grammy Pam from Jib! We finally gave him the last of the toys you brought him. Wish you could of seen his face when he heard the frog say "ribbet". He jumped back about a foot!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas


Marianne said...

Wow the "bright work "looks great!! Safe travels to your nwxt destination !!

matty said...

great work

matty said...

we leave the dock heading south as of march 1st. lindsey has turned in her notice and i have finished all the work on the boat. where will you be in a month?

matty said...

email us sailorduffat gmaildotcom